The Transparency Register secretariat confirmed the registration of Slovalco, a.s. in the transparency register.
The registration number of Slovalco, a.s. in the Transparency Register is: REG 153882995425-37.
This REG number will be used when communicating with EU institutions, for example when applying for accreditation by the European Parliament or when participating in public consultations organised by the European Commission.
Each registrant is responsible for updating his/her details; the information contained in the register can be updated at any time.
To be kept in the register, all data in the registration must be updated and validated once a year (at the latest on the anniversary of the registration or one year after the last annual update), even if the information has been partially updated during the year. The registration may be subject to quality control by the Secretariat at any time.
The Transparency register is a database listing ‘interest representatives’ (organisations, associations, groups and self-employed individuals) who carry out activities to influence the EU policy and decision-making process. It is designed to show the public which interests are being represented at EU level, by whom and on whose behalf – as well as the resources devoted to these activities (including financial support, donations, sponsorship, etc.).
The register has the following key features:
– A public website where interest representatives register up to date information about their activities at EU level
– A code of conduct governing how interest representatives should interact with the EU institutions
– A complaints mechanism to enable anyone to trigger an administrative inquiry into alleged cases where registered interest representatives have failed to observe the code